Global Wellness Challenge (GWC)

Participant Portal 2.0

Full Case Study | CIGNA 2022 - 2024

Cigna annually hosts a 6-week exercise challenge every summer. The platform is used by over 30,000 employees and their friends and families for a chance to earn myCigna incentives by participating in the fitness challenge. On top of making functional improvements to the platform, Cigna was looking to completely revamp the platform with a familiar yet brand-new look. | Desktop & Mobile Design



Though the previous iteration of GWC has shown much success, there was room for improvement from a UI/UX perspective in enhancing user-friendliness, utilizing more vibrant tones and restructuring the platform for better navigation & better usage of realestate.


Completely re-design the portal that better drives participants to increase physical activity while enjoying the process.


As there was no UI/UX input in the previous iterations, there were a lot of areas to cover in terms of just enhancing user-friendliness. But more importantly, the main UI/UX goal was to re-design the portal based on constructive feedback from participants.


Cigna employees, Cigna Clients and their friends and families (30,000+ participants)


Figma, AWS, Validic, ZScaler, GitHub

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