DevOps Capabilities Adoption Dashboard

Design Case Study | CIGNA 2020

Monitoring progress is always beneficial to every business in measuring success. DevOps wanted to create a progress dashboard that would answer the question “what is my DevOps adoption?” In this dashboard, they wanted metrics around how much software was making through the DevOps capability stages and an indication of where the major issues were. DevOps business did not commit to an engineering team as they were just seeking help in visualizing their idea. The goal as a UI/UX designer was to assist in drawing out the big picture and determining the smaller details that needed to be ironed out. As this was a short 10-hour UI/UX commitment, this project only consisted of the design stage work (competitive analysis, wireframing, prototyping). | Desktop Design



DevOps currently does not have a tool that effectively helps determine the direction of their progress. Though they have attempted to create a progress monitoring dashboard, the data is unorganized, and hard to determine where the successes and blockers are. The current dashboard is read-only and non-interactive. There is no drill down or no interaction with the user. Additionally, the data is being fed manually into the dashboard at this time. There is no set frequency to when the data gets updated manually. They find themselves physically collecting data when the time to review their work.


Determining the progress of DevOps work is essential in determining the direction of progress. Business wants to know what’s working and what’s not. An efficient interactive dashboard would help DevOps see the bigger picture a bit easier. Determining where the successes and blockers are are critical in leading to more success. As this project is a near-future goal, some metrics will be created hypothetically. Meaning some metrics the business wants will require back-end work in organizing the data to capture such metrics for the dashboard.


Assist DevOps in creating an interactive and user-friendly dashboard that can guide users to effortlessly determine where major errors are blocking DevOps work.


Employees of the DevOps department (all levels)


Figma, Future plan of developing in Tableau

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